Episode Summary: Maddy Godsey is a rising high school junior from Tinley Park, Illinois, who got pregnant after a one-night stand by Cody Jensen. Prior to the birth, Maddy's mother's stated she would only allow her to stay in the house for a month after the baby is born. The episode focuses on Maddy's decision as to whether she will live with Cody and his family or to move an hour away to live with her father. Initially, she decides that she will live with Cody's family. Their daughter, Aubrey Lynn Godsey, is born healthy on October 20, 2013 and weighs 8 lb, 3 oz. Cody is no help to Maddy in the hospital following the birth, and in the first three weeks of Aubrey being home, Cody only comes to see his daughter once. As a result, Maddy decides to move to her dad's house rather than live with Cody and his family.
Brazzers One Night In The Valley Episode 4 19